God is moving in some wonderful ways in the Caribbean. In Trinidad, Conerstone of Grace Fellowship Church is celebrating the Anniversary of their eighteenth (18th) year of existence. Instead of one big day of celebraiton they are celebrating each Sunday of the month of August with different activities. Pictured BELOW are just a few photos taken of the celebration on August 11.
Eighteen years ago Pastor Roger Dabideen, along with his wife Kumarie and their two children, Kieran and Karel led a small group of people in launching a new church in a rented building in Cunupia, Trinidad. They relocated at a later time to a donated property near Kelly Village where they built their own beautiful church facility.
Through God's blessings and the faithfulness and hard work of Pastor Roger and the Connerstone congregation the Church has become a dynamo for God in the surrounding neighborhoods. With biblical exposition of the Sciptures and leadership in loving people and expressing it through action Pastor Roger has been a shining example of what a Christian should be.
Cornerstone has a strong missions vision and both Pastor Roger and members of the congregation have served on mission teams to Haiti and other places in the Caribbean.
Pastor Roger is also on the Board of Directors for Caribbean Vision Ministreis and currently serves as the President of the Board of Directors.
Congratulations are extended to our friends at Cornerstone of Grace Fellowship in Trinidad. We pray for God's blessings on your ministry for Him for many years to come.
You are a blessing, encouragement and example for all of us as we serve Jesus with you.