Caribbean Vision Ministries has been working in Haiti in several different forms since 2005. We have weathered earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, contagious diseases including COVID 19, political upheavals including riots, a Presidential assassination and kidnappings. We have seen the UN peace keeping forces come and go and we have seen mission organizations come and go. We have been involved in building and supporting: churches, Christian schools for children, an orphanage for orphans and an education for them in Christian schools, and Bible Institutes for training Pastors and Lay Leaders. We have also built a campus facility in Cap Haitien that houses: the Eglige Evangelique de la Paix Foundation of Haiti offices, the Grace Theological Institute of Cap Haitien, a Christian elementary school, a Community Church and the offices for the Charis Alliance of Haiti. In addition on this campus Three Strands has built a medical facility. In addition we have seen the ministry of Caribbean Vision Ministries go from zero to an estimated fifty churches in the CVM family of cooperating churches. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
All that I have mentioned above has been done with what I would consider minimal finances and with the help of many churches and volunteer workers serving for a week at a time in Haiti. The Haitian Leaders we work with in Haiti are sacrificial and dedicated people who have a vision for proclaiming the gospel in Haiti and to see multitudes of their fellow Haitians come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord. Two very special Haitian people who grew up in Haiti but for many years now have been living in the United States have dedicated their lives to seeing the ministry of Caribbean Vision Ministries succeed in its task of helping in reaching Haiti for Christ. They have served on the Board of Caribbean Vision Ministries since the beginning of this ministry and have labored long and hard in Haiti, often for extended periods of time, without remuneration and often with great personal expense. Pastor Elysee Joseph and Pastor (Dr.) Dumont Cardichon are tireless workers on behalf of the Haitian people both in Haiti, the U.S. and the Bahamas. Their wives Yolette Joseph and Rose Cardichon have been wonderful supportive partners in these ministries. Without their help Caribbean Vision Ministries could not have attained what has been accomplished in any of those countries.
In comparison in size with other Missions Organizations we are very small but we feel God has blessed our efforts on His behalf in great ways. CVM is not perfect and we are very focused on what our purpose is. We want to see churches planted, we want to see Pastors and workers trained in the Word of God and we want to assist churches in their ministries to love God and their neighbors as they love their selves. CVM is not a church but we love churches and we are a servant of God’s Church.
Caribbean Vision Ministries has been hit hard financially over the last two years. COVID19 kept and is still keeping short-term ministry teams from serving in Haiti. The loss of teams has meant loss of income to help pay the expenses for the ministry in Haiti. In addition the contributions we have received in the past have also decreased, possibly because of the unstable situations affecting our U.S. economy today. All of this has meant that people we normally supply funding for in Haiti are suffering because we do not have funds available to help them. These dedicated and sacrificial people continue to serve God and carry on their work for God under very austere circumstances. How much longer will they be able to do that? We do not know. We need your financial help NOW so that we can help them.
I received the following email from a Haitian friend serving in another ministry in Haiti who is facing a similar situation: “Hello my friend. Please, keep praying for Haiti! We need protection from the gangsters and bad politicians and help for people looking for work. Life is hard in Haiti.” These things are also true of our own staff. Yes, life is hard in Haiti. I don’t know of anyone who would deny that fact. While work is almost non-existent inflation is running about 29 per cent. There are fuel shortages in Haiti so fuel often has to be bought on the black market for about $14usd a gallon. Fuel shortages also mean there is a shortage of electricity and this also affects things like medical facilities, lighting and phones. It seems that all this flows from the things our friend mentioned above. Our life in the U.S. today sometimes seems hard compared to what we are used to but imagine our friends in Haiti. Sometimes they only eat one meal a day and at least 40 per cent of the country lives in a food insecurity situation.
You can help us to help faithful people in Haiti continue God’s work in Haiti of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, discipling those who get saved and ministering to the spiritual and physical needs of people. God’s spiritual leaders in Haiti are doing God’s work and they need our financial and prayer support. Your financial gift will help our brothers and sisters in Haiti know that you love and care for them and that you want to help them with their needs in the midst of the chaos in Haiti. Your gift will illustrate to them that you support them and are standing with them as they hold up the banner of Christ in very difficult circumstances. Please give the largest gift you can possible give at this time.
Thank you for standing with us over these last seventeen years in Haiti as we have followed God’s call to serve the wonderful Haitian people who have endured so many hardships and disasters. The Devil is working hard to keep the people of Haiti in misery and resistant to the message of God’s love. God loves the people of Haiti and desires to see them in His family also. Our task will not be complete until Jesus comes to call His Church home. We need you to continue standing with us. Thanks for your gift today to help the Haitian people. Words cannot express my thankfulness for your heart of generosity in sharing with God’s people in Haiti. YOU CAN DONATE BY CLICKING ON THE DONATE BUTTON ON THIS WEBSITE OR YOU CAN SEND A CHECK TO: CARIBBEAN VISION MINISTRIES, INC., 14458 VIA ROYALE, DELRAY BEACH, FL 33446.